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HWdTech / Portfolio /

Clifford Wallace

Hospitality Personnel


Australia, hospitality staff agency full automation

visit clifford wallace website

About project

Since the company's inception in 1996 with inaugural clients such as Government House, corporate boardrooms such as Macquarie Bank, KPMG and Lend Lease, and major event companies such as Event Planet, the Clifford Wallace Agency has been renowned for excellence as a Sydney staffing specialist.
  • On the design part it was vital to bring up modern desicions, implement comfortable UX and make lots of new features look approachable and easy.

  • The final goal is complete automatisation of the HR services with office users having only communicative roles.

details of our work

Our Features

We have fully automatized the process. Our client has to run the command, specify a number of the version — and this new version resides on a server, so the users get updates automatically.

The main goal was to provide an effective way of allocating staff to the bookings based on their skills, client preferences and staff availability.

For user-friendly display of important analityc charts and graphics a completely new screen was implemented - dashboards!

For more specific analitycs there are dashboards based on the criterias such as profits, loses, staff perfomance, etc.

We needed to implement a lot of new complex features such client management moduls, casual staff management moduls, bookings, invoicing and reporting. All this had to be done not only for the web application itself, but also for the portal for staff and the lounge for clients.

technical solutions

Engeneering challenges and wins

When we started our work on the project, the system was extremely unstable. We quickly performed a number of steps for solving this problem. On the start of the project the uptime was 95%, now we uplifted it to 99.9%.

The perfomance of the system has changed drastically. Reports are working hundreds times faster.

On the start of the project the system had 0% code coverage. Now it is up to 55% and keeps growing. Also we implemented CI/CD.



Technologies we used

With the starting of development, code improvement ideas immediately arised.


Development hours

Prototyping and design hours

Management hours

Testing hours

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